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To encourage and support the preservation, maintenance, and study of Maine's old cemeteries and their records.


MOCA does not currently offer lookup service for cemetery transcriptions, descriptions, locations, and histories.

There are several thousand cemeteries in Maine; MOCA does NOT have records for them all. The MOCA research database is a paper listing done over time by MOCA's dedicated volunteers. Most of the records are not computerized, although we are working toward that goal. 

MOCA members have online access to searchable transcriptions in PDF format which are recorded by counties and by towns within the counties. Visit Cemetery Lookups if you are a current member or our Membership page to become a member for as little as $10 annually.

Alternatively, we suggest you take advantage of the following and consider a contribution to the Hampden Historical Society (HHS) for their services. HHS has a copy of the MOCA bound records and graciously offers to answer requests for Maine cemetery information.

HHS is open on Tuesdays 10:00-4:00 April through October. Researchers may also make an appointment by contacting HHS ahead of time. At other times during the year, they research and answer requests as time and weather permit. They do not charge a search fee. They do charge 10 cents per page for photocopying. They don't require a SASE but can use enclosed stamps as often the material requires a large envelope.

Please contact the Hampden Archivist directly:

Nadine Hoyt, Archivist
Hampden Historical Society, Katherine Trickey Archives
POB 456
Hampden ME 04444
Telephone 207-862-2027


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