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To encourage and support the preservation, maintenance, and study of Maine's old cemeteries and their records.

Bylaws: Maine Old Cemetery Association

Founded in 1968 by Dr. Hilda M. Fife

Adopted May 10, 1997
Revised September 24, 2016


The name of this association shall be the MAINE OLD CEMETERY ASSOCIATION as set forth in its certificate of organization and as authorized by Chapter 68, Private & Special Laws of Maine, 1971.


The Maine Old Cemetery Association is a non-profit, tax-exempt association under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3) and as such shall abide by the laws regulating such organizations.


The purposes of the Association are to promote knowledge of our Maine history and heritage by bringing together people interested in cemeteries.

  • To foster interest in the discovery, restoration, and maintenance of these cemeteries, and the preservation of records and historical information which relates to them
  • To assist in the preservation of related historical property, buildings, monuments, and artifacts
  • To acquire by gift or purchase at the discretion of the Board of Directors any real or personal property for the carrying out of these purposes
  • To make cemetery inscriptions available to the public
  • To make the general public, patriotic organizations, political entities, and others aware of responsibilities relating to cemeteries


Membership in the Association is open to any interested individual or organization by payment of dues as determined by the Board of Directors.

Dues are payable at the beginning of the calendar year. Any member failing to pay dues at the time their membership expires shall be removed from active membership on May 1st of the year following that expiration.

All members have the right to vote and hold office. Any organization which is a member may designate to the Membership Secretary a person authorized to represent it in proceedings of the Association and shall be entitled to one vote.


The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Recording/Corresponding Secretary, a Membership Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Officers shall be elected for a one-year term or until their successors are elected or appointed. The Board shall fill any vacancy that occurs in its elected membership for the balance of the calendar year. No President shall serve in the same capacity for more than three consecutive terms. 

The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers, the immediate Past President, Standing Committee chairpersons, and six (6) additional members elected from the membership at large for three-year terms, two (2) each year.

At the first Board of Directors meeting of the year, the Board shall appoint three at-large Director members to the five-person Nominating Committee.  Prior to June 1st the president shall appoint two members from the general membership.

Directors shall serve in alternate years on the Awards Committee or the Nominating Committee.

Any Director who fails to attend at least one program meeting and at least one Board meeting per calendar year may be replaced at the discretion of the Board.


A.  THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  The Board shall have power and authority over the management, policies, properties, and financial affairs of the Association. Meetings may be held at the call of the President or upon written request of five members of the Board. Written notice of the Board meeting shall be given at least five days in advance.

B.  PRESIDENT.  The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association, shall exercise a general supervision over its interests and welfare, and shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors. With the approval of the Board, the President may appoint a parliamentarian and shall appoint a chairperson for each committee authorized by the Bylaws or by the Board, except the Nominating Committee. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

C.  VICE PRESIDENT.  The Vice President shall have such duties as the President or Board may authorize and shall assume the duties of the President in his or her absence.  The Vice President shall fill the position of President when that position becomes vacant.

In preparation for assuming the office of President the Vice President shall schedule the program meetings in advance. This will include visiting prospective sites and working with the host organization(s) to develop the program schedule which will then be forwarded to the Newsletter Editor at the appropriate time. 

D.  TREASURER.  The Treasurer shall receive and have custody of the funds of the Corporation/Association and deposit them in such bank or banks as the Board may approve. He or she shall draw thereon for payment of bills authorized by the Board. The Treasurer shall present a financial statement at each regular meeting of the Association and shall make a report at the annual meeting.

At the Board meeting preceding the annual meeting the Treasurer shall propose a budget for the ensuing year. The Board shall approve a budget and present it to the full membership for adoption at the annual meeting.

The Treasurer shall be bonded in such amount as the Board may determine, the cost to be paid by the Association.  Annually, or more often as ordered by the Board, the Treasurer’s accounts shall be audited.

E.  RECORDING/CORRESPONDING SECRETARY.  The Recording/Corresponding Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Association and the Board and conduct such correspondence as the Board may direct. A file of correspondence shall be kept.

F.  MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY.  The Membership Secretary shall accept dues, keep an up-to-date list of the names and addresses of members, and provide labels for newsletters or other general mailings.

G.  STANDING COMMITTEES.  The Standing Committees of the Association shall be the following:

  • Archives Committee.  This committee shall maintain the archival material related to the Association.
  • Awards Committee.  This committee shall be empowered to: (1) issue recognition certificates to any person(s) or organizations(s) they deem worthy without approval of the Board, report the names of recipients at the annual meeting, and provide annually a list of all recipients to the Archives Committee, the Newsletter Editor, and the Publicity Advisor; (2) recommend to the Board the names of person(s) or organization(s) to be recognized for a MOCA cash award for distinctive service in the restoration and preservation of Maine cemeteries; and (3) issue at the request of the Vandalism Committee an award for Law Enforcement officials who do an exceptional job investigating and prosecuting actions against individuals who vandalize cemeteries.
  • Cemetery Records Committee.  This committee shall coordinate activities related to the preservation of gravestone inscriptions as records of history, art, and culture.
  • Cemetery Vandalism Committee: This committee shall coordinate communications concerning cemetery vandalism with the appropriate individuals. 
  • Cemetery Workshop Committee.  This committee is responsible for organizing and scheduling Cleaning/ Leaning Workshops.  Periodically it will organize and schedule a conservator-led workshop. The goal of this committee is to educate and disseminate information about proper repair and maintenance of cemeteries.   
  • Legislation and Laws Committee.  This committee shall promote knowledge of the laws, legislation, and issues relating to the purposes of the Association and take action to strengthen and clarify them.
  • Memorial Committee. This committee shall write thank you and notification notes, keep an accurate record of donations to the Memorial Fund, communicate with the Treasurer as needed, and annually make arrangements for the names to be added in calligraphy to the Memorial book.
  • Newsletter Committee. This committee shall prepare the newsletter of the Association, state newsletter deadlines, and send the newsletters to the printer.  The Editor shall collaborate with the Membership Secretary to determine the number to be printed.
  • Nominating Committee.  This committee shall consist of three members from the Board and two from the general membership, appointed by the President. The three Board members shall be three of the at-large Directors, one of whom shall chair the committee. This committee shall nominate a candidate for each office and each vacant at-large Board of Directors member position as required. The proposed slate of officers shall be presented for election at the annual meeting, and a copy of the slate shall be given to the Recording Secretary.
  • Publicity Committee. Chaired by the Publicity Advisor, this committee shall publicize and promote the various activities of the Association and forward same to the Web Committee.
  • Web Resources Committee. This committee shall maintain the MOCA website and assist with online data, services, and/or other internet-related matters. 

The chairperson of each standing committee may select members to serve on their committees and shall report the selections to the Recording Secretary and to the President.  

H. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Special committees may be created and terminated by the Board of Directors as deemed necessary.


Program meetings of the Association shall be held at least twice during the year. The election of officers and any other business that may legally come before it shall be conducted at the annual fall meeting.


The Maine Old Cemetery Association is a non- profit association, and upon dissolution the assets shall not be used for the benefit of any member. The Board of Directors shall select educational or similar non profit 501 (c) (3) organizations to receive said assets.


Amendments to the Bylaws shall be proposed in writing at a Board of Directors meeting, and proposed changes shall be printed in the MOCA newsletter prior to a vote.  No change in the Bylaws shall be in effect without an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting.

P. O. Box 641
Augusta, ME 04332-0641

Founded in 1968 by Dr. Hilda M. Fife

Adopted May 10, 1997
Revised September 24, 2016


The name of this association shall be the MAINE OLD CEMETERY ASSOCIATION as set forth in its certificate of organization and as authorized by Chapter 68, Private & Special Laws of Maine, 1971.


The Maine Old Cemetery Association is a non-profit, tax-exempt association under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3) and as such shall abide by the laws regulating such organizations.


The purposes of the Association are to promote knowledge of our Maine history and heritage by bringing together people interested in cemeteries.

  • To foster interest in the discovery, restoration, and maintenance of these cemeteries, and the preservation of records and historical information which relates to them
  • To assist in the preservation of related historical property, buildings, monuments, and artifacts
  • To acquire by gift or purchase at the discretion of the Board of Directors any real or personal property for the carrying out of these purposes
  • To make cemetery inscriptions available to the public
  • To make the general public, patriotic organizations, political entities, and others aware of responsibilities relating to cemeteries


Membership in the Association is open to any interested individual or organization by payment of dues as determined by the Board of Directors.

Dues are payable at the beginning of the calendar year. Any member failing to pay dues at the time their membership expires shall be removed from active membership on May 1st of the year following that expiration.

All members have the right to vote and hold office. Any organization which is a member may designate to the Membership Secretary a person authorized to represent it in proceedings of the Association and shall be entitled to one vote.


The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Recording/Corresponding Secretary, a Membership Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Officers shall be elected for a one-year term or until their successors are elected or appointed. The Board shall fill any vacancy that occurs in its elected membership for the balance of the calendar year. No President shall serve in the same capacity for more than three consecutive terms. 

The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers, the immediate Past President, Standing Committee chairpersons, and six (6) additional members elected from the membership at large for three-year terms, two (2) each year.

At the first Board of Directors meeting of the year, the Board shall appoint three at-large Director members to the five-person Nominating Committee.  Prior to June 1st the president shall appoint two members from the general membership.

Directors shall serve in alternate years on the Awards Committee or the Nominating Committee.

Any Director who fails to attend at least one program meeting and at least one Board meeting per calendar year may be replaced at the discretion of the Board.


A.  THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  The Board shall have power and authority over the management, policies, properties, and financial affairs of the Association. Meetings may be held at the call of the President or upon written request of five members of the Board. Written notice of the Board meeting shall be given at least five days in advance.

B.  PRESIDENT.  The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association, shall exercise a general supervision over its interests and welfare, and shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors. With the approval of the Board, the President may appoint a parliamentarian and shall appoint a chairperson for each committee authorized by the Bylaws or by the Board, except the Nominating Committee. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

C.  VICE PRESIDENT.  The Vice President shall have such duties as the President or Board may authorize and shall assume the duties of the President in his or her absence.  The Vice President shall fill the position of President when that position becomes vacant.

In preparation for assuming the office of President the Vice President shall schedule the program meetings in advance. This will include visiting prospective sites and working with the host organization(s) to develop the program schedule which will then be forwarded to the Newsletter Editor at the appropriate time. 

D.  TREASURER.  The Treasurer shall receive and have custody of the funds of the Corporation/Association and deposit them in such bank or banks as the Board may approve. He or she shall draw thereon for payment of bills authorized by the Board. The Treasurer shall present a financial statement at each regular meeting of the Association and shall make a report at the annual meeting.

At the Board meeting preceding the annual meeting the Treasurer shall propose a budget for the ensuing year. The Board shall approve a budget and present it to the full membership for adoption at the annual meeting.

The Treasurer shall be bonded in such amount as the Board may determine, the cost to be paid by the Association.  Annually, or more often as ordered by the Board, the Treasurer’s accounts shall be audited.

E.  RECORDING/CORRESPONDING SECRETARY.  The Recording/Corresponding Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Association and the Board and conduct such correspondence as the Board may direct. A file of correspondence shall be kept.

F.  MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY.  The Membership Secretary shall accept dues, keep an up-to-date list of the names and addresses of members, and provide labels for newsletters or other general mailings.

G.  STANDING COMMITTEES.  The Standing Committees of the Association shall be the following:

  • Archives Committee.  This committee shall maintain the archival material related to the Association.
  • Awards Committee.  This committee shall be empowered to: (1) issue recognition certificates to any person(s) or organizations(s) they deem worthy without approval of the Board, report the names of recipients at the annual meeting, and provide annually a list of all recipients to the Archives Committee, the Newsletter Editor, and the Publicity Advisor; (2) recommend to the Board the names of person(s) or organization(s) to be recognized for a MOCA cash award for distinctive service in the restoration and preservation of Maine cemeteries; and (3) issue at the request of the Vandalism Committee an award for Law Enforcement officials who do an exceptional job investigating and prosecuting actions against individuals who vandalize cemeteries.
  • Cemetery Records Committee.  This committee shall coordinate activities related to the preservation of gravestone inscriptions as records of history, art, and culture.
  • Cemetery Vandalism Committee: This committee shall coordinate communications concerning cemetery vandalism with the appropriate individuals. 
  • Cemetery Workshop Committee.  This committee is responsible for organizing and scheduling Cleaning/ Leaning Workshops.  Periodically it will organize and schedule a conservator-led workshop. The goal of this committee is to educate and disseminate information about proper repair and maintenance of cemeteries.   
  • Legislation and Laws Committee.  This committee shall promote knowledge of the laws, legislation, and issues relating to the purposes of the Association and take action to strengthen and clarify them.
  • Memorial Committee. This committee shall write thank you and notification notes, keep an accurate record of donations to the Memorial Fund, communicate with the Treasurer as needed, and annually make arrangements for the names to be added in calligraphy to the Memorial book.
  • Newsletter Committee. This committee shall prepare the newsletter of the Association, state newsletter deadlines, and send the newsletters to the printer.  The Editor shall collaborate with the Membership Secretary to determine the number to be printed.
  • Nominating Committee.  This committee shall consist of three members from the Board and two from the general membership, appointed by the President. The three Board members shall be three of the at-large Directors, one of whom shall chair the committee. This committee shall nominate a candidate for each office and each vacant at-large Board of Directors member position as required. The proposed slate of officers shall be presented for election at the annual meeting, and a copy of the slate shall be given to the Recording Secretary.
  • Publicity Committee. Chaired by the Publicity Advisor, this committee shall publicize and promote the various activities of the Association and forward same to the Web Committee.
  • Web Committee. This committee shall maintain the MOCA website and assist with online data, services, and/or other internet-related matters. 

The chairperson of each standing committee may select members to serve on their committees and shall report the selections to the Recording Secretary and to the President.  

H. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Special committees may be created and terminated by the Board of Directors as deemed necessary.


Program meetings of the Association shall be held at least twice during the year. The election of officers and any other business that may legally come before it shall be conducted at the annual fall meeting.


The Maine Old Cemetery Association is a non- profit association, and upon dissolution the assets shall not be used for the benefit of any member. The Board of Directors shall select educational or similar non profit 501 (c) (3) organizations to receive said assets.


Amendments to the Bylaws shall be proposed in writing at a Board of Directors meeting, and proposed changes shall be printed in the MOCA newsletter prior to a vote.  No change in the Bylaws shall be in effect without an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting.

P. O. Box 641
Augusta, ME 04332-0641


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