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To encourage and support the preservation, maintenance, and study of Maine's old cemeteries and their records.

Charlotte Ricker

Courtesy of the Trustees of the Haverhill Public Library, Special Collections Department
Florence Dean Ricker, Mark Ricker, Virginia Ricker, Charlotte Ricker

Charlotte Ricker of Haverhill, MA become a lifetime MOCA member in 1980. She left a lasting legacy to MOCA in the form of a generous bequest to our growing organization upon her passing. In response to President Siebert's request for information about Miss Ricker, Life Member Margery Brown of Cherryfield wrote:

"She was the daughter of Delmont Ricker [sic; i.e. Delmont's brother Mark], who was born in Cherryfield. The Rickers had been in Cherryfield from early on in the settling of the town.

Charlotte and her sister, Virginia, were never married. They used to attend MOCA meetings held in the southern areas of Maine, anything within driving distance of Haverhill. Occasionally they would attend other meetings, coming to Cherryfield for a visit, although all that remained were distant cousins. She spent some of her summers here when a child. She was a Life Member of MOCA (1980). I first met the two of them at MOCA meetings.

Her sister died first, and several years later when Charlotte found that she also had cancer, she wanted our society to have the furniture and other items she had purchased from the Ricker houses in Cherryfield. She marked each item with the history of who had owned it, and we picked up two loads. She also left the society with a generous cash bequest.

She and her sister were both active in the historical society in Haverhill. They were both lovely ladies and it was my pleasure to have known them. It was sad that they both suffered such painful deaths. They had no close relatives left, only distant cousins on both sides of the family."

MOCA Newsletter, 1991 Spring, Volume XXIII No 1

About the photo, compliments of the Haverhill Public Library, Special Collections Department

The Ricker family: Florence Dean Ricker, Mark [B.] Ricker, Virginia Ricker and Charlotte Ricker. They are at an unidentified beach. They are wearing light clothing, except Mark, who is wearing a dark suit, shirt, tie and flat cap. Florence and Mark are seated on the sand, the girls seated in front of them. Florence is wearing a light dress with a polka dot pattern and a hat, and is holding a parasol. The girls both have light hair, the girl on the left is a toddler, wearing a sailor suit romper; the girl on the right looks elementary school age and is wearing a darker sleeveless dress. Other people are visible in the background. Inscription on verso: "Ricker Family / Florence Dean Ricker / Mark Ricker, Haverhill Police officer / Virginia / Charlotte." Snapshot photograph, probably 1920s.


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