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To encourage and support the preservation, maintenance, and study of Maine's old cemeteries and their records.


The Maine Old Cemetery Association's (MOCA's) mission is to encourage and support the preservation, maintenance, and study of old cemeteries and related records. Thus, our policies include the following:

MOCA Logo / Endorsements

  • MOCA members, businesses, or individuals shall not use the MOCA logo in any capacity, or imply that MOCA endorses and/or recommends their products or services.  

  • Membership in the Maine Old Cemetery Association (MOCA) does not constitute endorsement/approval of member products, procedures, or services. Any use of the MOCA logo is prohibited without express permission of the Maine Old Cemetery Association.

MOCA Promotions / Sales

  • MOCA may promote books, fundraising, membership, etc. on behalf of a nonprofit organization hosting a MOCA event during the same calendar year in which the event was scheduled.
  • For profit business/vendor booths will not be permitted at MOCA meetings other than for the featured speaker(s) or the hosting organization. 

MOCA Workshop Volunteers

  • MOCA hires Grave Stone Matters of Hoosick Falls, New York to conduct all MOCA four-day preservation workshops. It is their requirement to choose workshop volunteers from those who have been properly trained by them and who conduct themselves within their expectations and standards.
  • At any point throughout the duration of any workshop, participants and volunteers not following previously stated safety practices and/or case specific directives regarding work within the cemetery will be dismissed and asked to leave the cemetery property.
  • Grave Stone Matters has built a reputation by following established standards to make a positive impact in cemeteries throughout the country, and thanks MOCA for continued dedication to promoting safe maintenance, knowledge and acceptable methods of preservation in Maine’s cemeteries.


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