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*In Time The Rose Died: A History of Family Cemeteries in Maine

  • 26 Mar 2025
  • 1:00 PM

Maine Historical Society Webinar
Presented by Niko Rice
Chair of the Nobleboro Cemetery Committee

Have you ever wondered why the Maine countryside is scattered with so many small cemeteries? Join Niko Rice for a talk on this unique aspect of Maine history! We'll look at the history and development of family cemeteries in Maine, exploring some of the more unique ones Niko has visited and discovered on his travels through the Pine Tree State.

About the presenter: Niko Rice is the Chair of the Nobleboro Cemetery Committee and is a slide guitar and harmonica player who works as an intern/office assistant for Maine Folk Music Legend Gordon Bok. A part-time college student, most of his free days are spent ambling throughout the Maine woods or driving down a long dirt lane, looking for some ancient family plot.

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