Hosted by the Southwest Harbor Historical Society
192 Seawall Road, Southwest Harbor, ME 04679
8:30-9:15 Registration
Entry Fee of $5 per person may be paid at the door or in advance online (preferred). Assorted breakfast snacks and drinks will be provided. Proceeds benefit Southwest Historical Society and Maine Old Cemetery Association.
8:30 – Noon Exhibits, Displays, Cemetery Projects
If you have a cemetery project you wish to share with others, please bring a display board, photos or other related materials.
9:15- 9:30 Welcome
Walter Guptill, MOCA President
Southwest Harbor Historical Society
9:30 - 10:15 Historic Cemeteries of Southwest Harbor
Presentation from the Southwest Harbor Historical Society and Cemetery Committee members Aimee Williams, Kathe Newman Walton and Julie Fernald. The talk will include Union Cemetery, Evergreen Cemetery, Lurvey Cemetery, Peter in The Woods and Old Burial Ground.
10:15 - 10:30 Break
10:30 – 11:15 MOCA Annual Meeting
All are welcome to attend to hear what is happening with MOCA or you may view the displays at this time. Agenda will include election of new board members and officers.
11:15-12:00 Historic Cemeteries of Southwest Harbor
Part two of the presentation on the cemeteries of Southwest Harbor.
12:00-1:00 Lunch
Lunch hosted by the Southwest Harbor Historical Society. Lunch reservation at $10 per person is required by September 16. Reservations and payments should be made online using the green REGISTER button.
1:00 Tour of The Maine Granite Industry Museum
62 Beech Hill Cross Rd, Mt Dessert, ME 04660
The Maine Granite Industry Museum’s mission is to collect and preserve the history of the quarrying industry in Maine and New England. Their vision for the museum is to make that history come alive for the public.
Using their collection of stone samples and quarry records, they assist in the identification of granite for the preservation and restoration of historic buildings and monuments nationwide.